Sunday, October 10, 2010

Interior decorating ideas in kids bedrooms


One of the fun of dressing room is a child, freedom of play of colors and motifs. Display too bright to make the residents happy. This time, with orange, let's try to create a cheerful room! Large selection of themes that can be applied to the baby room. Not infrequently that apply a lot of color to describe the joy. But that does not mean applying a color theme can not make a cheerful room. For example a child's room in this picture. Orange became a major theme setting. The result, see for yourself! The key was in the game motif. On a child's room that already use many colors, usually no longer apply the many motives. Because, if you have many colors plus many motives as well, become too crowded. Well, the game motif can we apply on the use of one room with any color theme.

The flowers on the beddings and stripes on the headboard wall wall cover in the field, combined harmoniously. This looks like fun but not too childish. Can be applied to the child's room, the room can also teenagers.