Saturday, February 5, 2011

The laying of the mirror in the room with minimalist interior design

modern minimalist interior design

If you intend to apply the wall of mirrors in interior design is minimalist, consider a few things. Try placing furniture not attached to the surface of the mirror wall. This you need to do, to keep the mirror from being scratched. In addition, before making a wall mirror, with good spatial planning. This includes placement of switches and sockets. Thus planning is absolutely necessary, because the electrical device can not be mounted on the wall to be coated mirror.

You also need to consider the placement of the fittings for lighting. If you want to place the lamp in front of the mirror, keep the location of lights and mirrors were not exposed. Position the lamp and mirror opposite result in direct light shone into the mirror. The light will be reflected by the mirror. Light reflection from the mirror will be very bright and certainly make uncomfortable.